Monday, January 28, 2013

Caleb's 2nd Month

Caleb turned 2 months old on Friday the 25th. His second month was very busy and had a lot of milestones. One of the first things we did was make our first trip to Vermont to Steve's parents' house for the Conrad Christmas. It was our first long trip and we did have to stop once on the way up to feed Caleb in a parking lot, but other than that, the trip was ok. We had a good time in Vermont and were able to stay for a few days, which was nice.

With Grandma
Meeting cousin Bethany and Darren
Steve wanted to buy this onesie when we were in Newport

With Aunt Caroline on the blanket she made for him

 On our way home, we stopped at the Edwards' house to see how big Westin was getting! It is so fun to get the 2 boys together since they are so close in age. We hope to get together more often!
Later that week, Caleb and I went out to lunch with Nathan and Caleb, which was fun, since I hadn't seen them in a very long time. It was nice to have Caleb meet Caleb.
I started pumping this month and Caleb has taken several bottles. That is a relief, since that is what he is going to have to do when I go back to work in a few weeks. We don't give him a bottle all that often, but every time we do, he takes it fine, so I am not too worried.
First bottle!

The pumping is going well. I don't do it every day, but I will do it if Caleb doesn't eat too much on one side or if he goes a really long time between feedings (neither of which happen much during the day, but sometimes happen at night). I have started to store milk in the freezer in case I am not able to pump enough while I am at work to feed Caleb while I am gone.

We went back to Newport for the weekend the first weekend in January with my parents, Rad & Jen, and Dini. The Piroskis also came for one of the nights. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed the Cliff Walk.

On Monday, January 7, I went for my 6 week check-up at the OB and everything was fine. I then wanted to start exercising again, so I have started going on my treadmill as often as I can as well as taking Caleb for walks in the stroller around the neighborhood, as long as the weather is ok. I love being active and I can't wait for the warmer weather when we can take longer walks! I don't usually dress him in this outfit to walk around the neighborhood, but this is what he looks like when he is all bundled up.
One of the things we have started this month is to have worship with Caleb every night before he goes to bed. Sometimes he is alert and sometimes we have to do it while he is eating to make sure he stays quiet. We are reading one Bible story every night and having prayer with him. I know he doesn't understand, but it is never too early to start!
We are still enjoying our visits to the office on Wednesdays for lunch. I am going to miss that when I go back to work, because Wednesday is going to be one of the days that I work. Caleb is quite popular with the ladies there, but Grampy usually is the one that holds him the most because he eats the fastest (the ladies refer to him as "the baby hog"). Here is a picture of Caleb with Uncle Rad at the office (while Rad was not in school).
One of the biggest things this month is that Caleb is definitely smiling! I love to see him smile for real and not just when he has gas! He loves to smile when I touch his nose, his mouth, and his cheeks. It is so cute! Here are few examples of his smiles!

We went for Caleb's 2 month check-up on Friday and he was the star of the office. All of the nurses oohed and aahed about how cute he was. One of them told me he was the cutest baby she had seen all day and another one told me she wouldn't be able to get anything done if she was me, because she would just be looking at him all day! So, his stats are:
Weight:  12 pounds, 7 ounces (54th percentile)
Length:   23 1/4 inches (62nd percentile)
We saw the nurse practitioner this time and she said she couldn't be happier with his progress and how well he is doing. And I need to add the fact that he did so well with all of the poking and prodding she did and didn't fuss at all. He did have to get 3 shots, however, and of course he cried at that. I have heard him scream before, obviously, but it was so sad to see him scream when he got his shots because he was so calm right before she did it and then he was so upset because he wasn't expecting it. It only lasted a couple of minutes, and he calmed down after I picked him up and then fell asleep in the car on the way home. Here is a picture of him at the doctor's office, before the shots!
Caleb has been sleeping much better this month. The night before his 1-month appointment was the first time he ever slept 4 hours straight and now 4 hours is average or even a little short. He has given me several 5 hour stretches and even a couple of 6 hour stretches, which is very exciting. I hope he is well on his way to sleeping through the night!
Well, that's it for now! I will close with a few random pictures and I will try to post more often now that I am caught up to date with what is going on with Caleb.
This was the week they won, not the week they lost!
He was completely sound asleep here!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Caleb's First Month

I am new at this whole blog thing, but I have been inspired to write one by my cousins Corey and Alison, because I love reading about what is going on with their kids and especially seeing frequent pictures of them. So, here goes nothing...

Caleb Steven Conrad was born on Sunday, November 25, 2012 at 8:28 pm. He was 6 pounds, 7 ounces and 20 inches long. He was 9 days early, which I was very happy about, because I had been having a lot of back pain for about 5 weeks. It was amazing to see him and hold him for the first time.

Caleb being born!
Our first glimpse of Caleb
Getting to touch and kiss Caleb
Caleb getting weighed
Just a few hours old and very alert!
First family picture
My parents and Rad and Jen were able to go with Caleb to see him get cleaned up and weighed and measured while Steve stayed with me in the OR. 
Grammy & Grampy admiring Caleb
Uncle Rad
Auntie Jen
Caroline and Corey also came to see Caleb that first night, which was really nice.

Aunt Caroline
Uncle Corey
We then had lots and lots of visitors the next day. It was nice to see everyone, but I did get a little overwhelmed and by 8:00 Monday night, I was exhausted. That's also when they told me that Caleb's weight had dropped to 5 pounds, 15 ounces and that if he lost much more weight, they would want to try to supplement with formula. That freaked me out, but luckily I had an amazing night nurse that night who helped Caleb and I with the breastfeeding and everything started to go smoothly after that and he started to gain weight again. By Tuesday night, he was up to 6 pounds even and then by Wednesday night, he was 6 pounds, 3 1/2 ounces, so we were definitely on the right track. Our stay in the hospital went well, except for the fact that there was always someone coming to check on either me or Caleb, so it was hard to get a lot of rest. But, the nurses were really nice (with one exception) and we were well taken care of. Steve stayed in the hospital with us every night and he did go to work for a few hours each day on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday so he could spend more time with us at home instead.

Caleb and I were discharged on Thursday afternoon, so then we were on our own at home, which was a little overwhelming at first. Our first night home went ok. Caleb slept fine in his pack and play for 2 1/2 to 3 hours at a time. The second night did not go so well and he was up quite a bit.

First time in the car seat

Welcome home Caleb!

Meeting Cody and Kylie for the first time
First night at home
Steve's parents came to visit us that first weekend so they could meet their new grandson. Alison, Heath, Tyson, and Westin also came to visit that weekend so we could meet Westin and they could meet Caleb. It was so fun to see the two babies together, since Westin is only 6 days older than Caleb. I am so excited for them to grow up together!

2 happy grandpas!

Happy Grandma!
Caleb and Westin, only 6 days apart

We went to visit the pediatrician when Caleb was 9 days old and he had gained half a pound so he was 6 pounds, 15 ounces, which is really great, because the general rule is that babies should get back to their birth weight by the time they are 2 weeks old.

First pediatrician appointment

Steve was home with Caleb and I until Caleb was 2 weeks old and then he went back to work. The first day he went back to work was tough for me emotionally, but we survived and we are now in a routine, which is great. At first, we didn't venture out of the house much, but we did go to my parents' office for lunch and then we made a big trip to visit Steve and work and then to visit my office in Woods Hole.  Since then, we have become much more comfortable going out and our trips to the office for lunch on Wednesday are one of the highlights of our week.

Some of the other highlights of Caleb's first month are: taking a trip to Newport for 2 nights with lots of my relatives, having Nana & Grandpa come for a visit, and Christmas.

Family picture in Newport
Caleb was very popular with his older cousins in Newport
Nana just loved Caleb and would hold him every chance she got
Christmas Day with Grampy
Christmas with Mommy

One of Caleb's Christmas outfits
One of my very favorite pictures ever!
What a cute Santa baby!
We took Caleb to get pictures taken at Sears 3 days before Christmas and that was quite an experience. The photographer got one picture before Caleb started screaming and I then had to feed him in the photography studio. Then we got the pictures, but afterwards, Caleb had his first big blowout in his diaper and we had to change his clothes in the studio as well. The results came out pretty well, though. Here are a few samples:

Well, I think that's enough information and pictures for my first blog entry. I will close with Caleb's one month stats and a few more pictures:
Weight: 9 pounds, 7 ounces
Length: 22 1/2 inches
Head: 15 1/4 inches