Caleb Steven Conrad was born on Sunday, November 25, 2012 at 8:28 pm. He was 6 pounds, 7 ounces and 20 inches long. He was 9 days early, which I was very happy about, because I had been having a lot of back pain for about 5 weeks. It was amazing to see him and hold him for the first time.
Caleb being born!
Our first glimpse of Caleb
Getting to touch and kiss Caleb
Caleb getting weighed
Just a few hours old and very alert!
First family picture
My parents and Rad and Jen were able to go with Caleb to see him get cleaned up and weighed and measured while Steve stayed with me in the OR.
Grammy & Grampy admiring Caleb
Uncle Rad
Auntie Jen
Aunt Caroline
Uncle Corey
Caleb and I were discharged on Thursday afternoon, so then we were on our own at home, which was a little overwhelming at first. Our first night home went ok. Caleb slept fine in his pack and play for 2 1/2 to 3 hours at a time. The second night did not go so well and he was up quite a bit.
First time in the car seat
Welcome home Caleb!
Meeting Cody and Kylie for the first time
First night at home
2 happy grandpas!
Happy Grandma!
Caleb and Westin, only 6 days apart
First pediatrician appointment
Steve was home with Caleb and I until Caleb was 2 weeks old and then he went back to work. The first day he went back to work was tough for me emotionally, but we survived and we are now in a routine, which is great. At first, we didn't venture out of the house much, but we did go to my parents' office for lunch and then we made a big trip to visit Steve and work and then to visit my office in Woods Hole. Since then, we have become much more comfortable going out and our trips to the office for lunch on Wednesday are one of the highlights of our week.
Some of the other highlights of Caleb's first month are: taking a trip to Newport for 2 nights with lots of my relatives, having Nana & Grandpa come for a visit, and Christmas.
Family picture in Newport
Caleb was very popular with his older cousins in Newport
Nana just loved Caleb and would hold him every chance she got
Christmas Day with Grampy
Christmas with Mommy
One of Caleb's Christmas outfits
One of my very favorite pictures ever!
What a cute Santa baby!
Well, I think that's enough information and pictures for my first blog entry. I will close with Caleb's one month stats and a few more pictures:
Weight: 9 pounds, 7 ounces
Length: 22 1/2 inches
Head: 15 1/4 inches
Great first blog post!! Loved it!! I loved all the pictures!! I'm so glad you are doing this - even though it is very time is SO worth it!! It's great to look back and read and remember exactly what they did. You are truly documenting your son's life.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad too! Now you better not disappoint me and not make any more posts or only do it like every few months. You have wet our appetites. And your boy is so stinking cute!!