I think I mentioned last week that Caleb had a little cold. Thursday night when I put him to bed, his cough sounded a little croupy, so I knew it was going to be a bad night and it was! He was awake several times coughing and fussing, but we made it through. He was still a little croupy in the morning but I went to work anyway and then decided to take a half day and bring him to the doctor's office. I called and told them what was going on and they wanted to see him. Here are a couple of pictures from when I went to pick him up at Grammy and Grampy's.
We went to the doctor and he wasn't croupy anymore but he was wheezy, so they actually gave us a nebulizer because they said he might have some mild asthma. The good news is that childhood asthma usually goes away by 3 years old, so hopefully he doesn't have it for life. My mom and Rad both have asthma, so he is definitely susceptible to it.
First nebulizer treatment - he was a good patient!
Friday night my mom made supper for us, which was nice. She had made some chicken noodle soup and brought it to Rad and Jen, because Rad wasn't feeling well and then she brought the rest over to our house.
Sabbath morning we had a nice relaxing morning before heading to church. We ended up leaving before the end of church because we were headed up to Stoneham for Neil and Tina's memorial service and we wanted to make sure we were early because we knew it would be very crowded. We stopped to see Rad and Jen on our way out. Rad had been throwing up, so they wouldn't be able to go to the memorial service, which they were very upset about.
We got to the church about an hour early and there were a few people there. I knew that there were going to be a lot of our GBA classmates there, because Neil was a good friend to a lot of people. Several classmates flew in from all over the country, which is a wonderful testament to the life Neil lived. Originally I had asked my dad to watch Caleb in the mother's room during the service so I could pay more attention, but he really needed a nap and the only way I knew how to do that in a crowded area was to nurse him to sleep, so that's what ended up happening, so my dad was off the hook. It was a very lovely service and the church was packed. People were standing up in the lobby and listening on a speaker down in the basement of the church because there was no room. They had a very nice slide show and we were in several of the pictures which made me happy because it shows that we were good friends to them.
I was very happy to get to introduce Caleb to some of my friends and of course, I made sure he was looking extra cute to make a good impression.
Not the greatest expression, but love the bowtie!
After the service, there was food downstairs and we just got some food real quick and then headed off to stay at the Lindquist's house for the night along with several other friends from out of town. We got there a little after 8:00 and Caleb had slept on the way there. I fed Caleb and put him to bed and then we visited with everyone until close to midnight. It was very nice to catch up with old friends.
Caleb had a pretty good night but woke up earlier than usual. He went back to sleep until close to the same time, though, so it worked out. Steve and I were tired, of course, from staying up until midnight, but it was worth it to visit with our friends.
We visited a little more in the morning and took some pictures with Betsy and her two boys, Carter (3) and Miles (6 months).
I love how Miles is just lounging
Then we left to drive 3 hours up to Maine for the burial service at the cemetery. We did make one stop along the way to feed Caleb quickly but we made it up there with time to spare. The cemetery where they were buried was a family plot owned by Rosanne's family and it was in a beautiful location. Shawn was participating in the service so it was nice to see him and Camille and the kids.
It ended up being a much warmer day than I had anticipated so I was quite warm during the service. It was very nice, though, and it was well attended with probably close to 100 people there. Shawn said a few words, there was some music, and then Pastor Farley had some thoughts and did the actually placing of the boxes in the ground. Then all of the kids released balloons into the air, because Tina loved balloons.
The view from not far away from the cemetery
After the service, we went to a conference center at a motel owned by the family and had a meal and then left to make the 4 hour trip home.
At the restaurant
We got home around 8:30 and got Caleb in bed by about 9:30, which wasn't too bad considering the day we had had. Steve and I went to bed then too, because we were very tired!
Monday morning Caleb slept late until about 9:15, which was great. After feeding him, we took a trip to Babies R Us, Trader Joe's and to pick up a toy from someone on Facebook. Then Caleb surprised me and took an hour and 45 minute nap (probably still making up from going to bed late and a long weekend), which was great! We didn't do too much the rest of the day.
Tuesday we usually go to our playgroup, but I decided to be responsible and considerate and not take my sick child to the group. So, we didn't do too much in the morning except hang around at home.
Caleb took an hour and a half nap, so 2 days in a row of great naps! Then we had to go to the doctor to get his follow-up flu shot, so that was our big outing for the day. It was a quick visit and he was a trooper as always with his shot.
In the waiting room
We came home and played on the swing for awhile and then took a walk with Steve and the dogs after he got home.
Yesterday my mom had Caleb all day, of course. They had a busy day of grocery shopping and making office lunch and going to the park.
My mom said he did great with a metal spoon
Love this face!
My mom told me she wished I could have seen Caleb's face when he saw Grampy at the office. She said his mouth opened wide like in amazement and then he broke into a huge grin! He does love his Grampy and I'm sure it just made my dad melt!
When we went to pick Caleb up, my mom was showing us how Caleb all of a sudden doesn't like the cow sound in one of the books she always reads to him. I don't know how it happened, but she and Steve were both on the floor with Caleb and all of a sudden, he was standing up on his own, unsupported, which he has never done before! I was watching and couldn't believe it! Luckily I was able to get a picture to document the milestone!
You can clearly see he is not supported by anything!
The cow is called "Tiny Moo" and my mom has been reading the book to Caleb forever and all of a sudden he is crying when he hears the cow sound!
After we got home last night, we went next door and visited our neighbor whose mother had just died suddenly after an infection at 73. It is very sad.
This morning Caleb was awake early at 5:30, which is unusual. I have been getting spoiled by him sleeping until between 6:00 and 6:30. Around 10:15 or so, I tried to give him some applesauce and this time I used a metal spoon because my mom said he did well with it, and guess what! He did great! So, I don't know if was just particularly hungry or if it really is the spoon, but we will stick with the metal spoon and see if that helps him eat better! Stay tuned!
Well, that's about it for now. I will close with some random pictures.
I am getting all caught up! Great pics as usual. Glad you were able to get to say goodbye to your friends. A couple of tough days, for sure.