Well, it has been 2 weeks since I have written because last week at this time we were still in Florida and then I decided just to wait and do 2 weeks at one time. I don't remember what happened between the last time I wrote and when we left for Florida, although I do have a few cute pictures from church that Sabbath.
Love this face!
Saturday night was the Patriots game against Indianapolis. I wasn't too excited about staying up so late right before our trip, but of course I did and they won, so that was worth staying up for! I think I made it to bed around 11:30 and had to get up at 5:00 the next morning to get ready to leave for the airport. Unfortunately, Steve wasn't able to come with us to Florida, but my parents did, so that was nice. A few days before we left, however, I found out that my mom had somehow booked her and my dad on different flights, so my dad flew with Caleb and I and my mom was on a different flight that stopped in Baltimore instead of being a direct flight. I was just happy to have someone with me since Caleb had never flown before! He did great, of course! I nursed him during takeoff and it was his naptime, so he fell asleep and slept for the first 45 minutes of the flight. The rest of the time he was back and forth between my lap and my dad's lap and he was good, although a little antsy since he couldn't get down. Then I nursed him again while we landed and he never fussed or anything, so that was good.

When we landed, my dad went to get the baggage and the rental car, and Caleb and I stayed in the terminal and had lunch and then we went and met my mom's plane.
Yay! We are in Florida!
Getting his diaper changed in the airport
After we left the airport, we went to the Grodack's house with a short pit stop at the grocery store first. This was the first time I had seen their new house, which isn't so new anymore, and it is very nice! We had a nice visit and just hung out, watching football and then we had haystacks for supper. Shortly after supper, we left to go to our timeshare so we could get Caleb to bed because he had had a long day and not too much sleep.
Caleb with his cousins and Thatcher Trubey
Aubree really loved Caleb and followed him around to make sure he didn't get into trouble
Corey let us borrow a few toys to take to our timeshare
We got to our timeshare around 7:30, which is the time Caleb is usually in bed. We got set up in our room and I nursed him and he went right to sleep. Our room faced the direction of Disney World, and so we were able to see the Magic Kingdom fireworks at 8:00 and the Epcot fireworks at 9:00. Of course, that was very exciting for me, since I love Disney so much! I was tired, so I went to bed after seeing the fireworks. Caleb slept pretty good, but woke up a couple of times and went right back to sleep. He was up pretty early for the day, which was disappointing since he went to bed late.
Our schedule for the few days we were there pretty much stayed the same as at home. We waited until after Caleb's morning nap and then went out for a few hours and then came back to our room for Caleb's afternoon nap.
Monday was a beautiful day (the only beautiful day we had, as it turns out). After Caleb's nap, we walked over to Nana & Grandpa's room for a little visit and then we left on our first adventure.
Ready to go!
Enjoying the ducks
Those sunglasses were not a hit!
So, everyone reading this knows how much I love Disney World, but because Steve wasn't with us, I wasn't going to take Caleb to Disney World without him. However, I wanted to do whatever we could to see Disney, so on Monday we drove and parked at the Disney Boardwalk hotel. We had never been there before, but it is really nice and it is a beautiful place to walk around. The boardwalk is around a lake and there are shops and restaurants.
When you walk around the lake, you can walk right up to the backside of France in Epcot, so that was really cool. There is also a boat that takes you around the lake, so once we walked to Epcot, we got on the boat and took it back to the Beach Club Hotel.
Then we kept walking and went over to the Dolphin and Swan hotels and we found a nice place to eat in the Swan hotel called Garden Grove. We ate lunch right under a tree, which Caleb was fascinated with.
After lunch we kept walking and we walked all the way to Hollywood Studios (I still call it MGM Studios, but that's not what it's called anymore). I was hoping that Caleb would fall asleep in the stroller during our walk, but Mr. Nosy was too interested in looking at everything, so that didn't happen. When we got to Hollywood Studios, we took a few pictures in front of the entrance, which made it feel like we were there.
Tower of Terror on the right
Then we walked back and Caleb still wouldn't nap, but oh well. We stopped in one store real quick and tried on a couple of hats (I ended up buying the beach hat later on in the week because Caleb needs one).
The Dolphin Hotel
Grammy gave him this to try on but didn't realize it was a groom hat!
We then went back to our place so Caleb could take a nap. He was very tired and fell asleep immediately, which was nice. He ended up sleeping about an hour and a half and I actually woke him up because it was getting too late and I wanted to make sure he slept at night. Also, we were going to go swimming since this was the only nice day and it was getting too late for that. We went down to the pool and already the air temperature had cooled off some, but the water was warm, so we still had a good time. We had the hardest time finding towels but we finally found some.
After swimming, we had supper and Nana & Grandpa came over for a little visit before I had to get Caleb ready for bed. Nana & Grandpa stayed to watch the Magic Kingdom fireworks but then went back to their place. I stayed up for the Epcot fireworks again and then went to bed.
Tuesday morning after Caleb's nap, we left for our next adventure and Nana came with us this time because we weren't going to do as much walking as we did on Monday. We drove to the Grand Floridian Hotel, which is the most expensive and beautiful of the Disney hotels. We were able to park there for free.
We went inside the hotel and walked around a little bit admiring everything and then we got on the monorail. We rode it to the Contemporary Resort and we got off there and went into a couple of shops and then we ate lunch there.
After lunch, we got back on the monorail and went over to Epcot. I thought the monorail would just stop right at the entrance, but I didn't realize that it actually goes through part of the park before stopping, so that was cool.
When we stopped, we got off and took some pictures in front of the "big ball" - Spaceship Earth. I know it is kind of cheesy, but I just liked being there, even though we couldn't go in.
Then we got back on the monorail and at the Transportation and Ticket Center, we got off and then took the ferryboat over to the Magic Kingdom, just to get a different experience.
At the Magic Kingdom, we got out and walked up to the entrance and took some more pictures before getting back on the monorail to go back to our car at the Grand Floridian.
We got back to our car and then drove back to our timeshare. Nana and Caleb were very tired, so they both took long naps when we got back! Then we went to Nana & Grandpa's room for supper, which was a nice treat! Then we headed back to put Caleb to bed.
Waking up from his nap
Beautiful view from Nana & Grandpa's room
On Wednesday, our big outing was to Downtown Disney to do some shopping. There are a lot of nice stores and some good picture-taking locations. There was a little train that Caleb and I rode that was fun. We were also going to ride a carousel, but ended up running out of time.
We did some shopping and then found a nice place to eat lunch.
I wanted to take this picture because it says November 25, which is Caleb's birthday!
After lunch, we went to the big World of Disney store. It is so huge and has everything you could possible imagine. We spent quite awhile shopping in there and I bought a few souvenirs and a couple of things for Caleb, like a bowl and plate, a T-shirt, and the beach hat I mentioned earlier. When we were done shopping, we left to go back to our timeshare.
Caleb took another nice long nap, which I was so happy about. I was very surprised at how well he did sleeping in a different place. After he got up from his nap, I gave him a bath because there wouldn't be any time later, because we were going out to supper with friends.
I wanted to take this picture to document what our room looked like
Enjoying the bath
Our friends, Jim & Ellie Baez, came over in the late afternoon. They were really excited to meet Caleb and to see us. They are very good friends who used to live on the Cape a long time ago and we have stayed close ever since. We visited in the room for awhile and then we went out to supper at Olive Garden and Nana & Grandpa came too.
With Jim & Ellie
Caleb was very well behaved at Olive Garden and our waiter was quite taken with him. After supper, we went home and got Caleb ready for bed. It was a little later than normal, but Caleb did very well adjusting to the different schedule.
Thursday was our last day and we were headed home that evening. We went to Nana & Grandpa's room for breakfast because our plan was to go spend the day with the Grodacks after Caleb's nap. We had a nice breakfast and we said goodbye to Nana & Grandpa.
Waving to each other
After Caleb's nap, we left and went to the Grodacks. We got there around lunchtime and we had brought some hot dogs with us, so that's what we had.
Checking out Colby
The group having lunch
After lunch, Brady took a nap and Corey stayed with him while my mom and I took the rest of the kids on a walk around the neighborhood. Thursday was a cold day, but it was still ok for walking.

After our walk, we left and went to a kids' consignment store. Caleb was sooo tired and I was hoping he would maybe be tired enough to fall asleep in the stroller, but he didn't and was actually pretty fussy, which is unusual for him. I bought a couple of things and then we went and sat in the car. Then we headed to the airport and Caleb finally fell asleep in the car on the way there, although by this time it was late in the afternoon. My mom dropped us off at the airport and we were on our way! We ate supper in the airport and then got ready to board our plane. It sure is nice that parents with kids can board after the A group on Southwest. It was so funny because Caleb was waving to everyone in the boarding line and it was so cute. Somehow we managed to have an empty seat in our row which was such a blessing because otherwise I'm not sure what I would have done while I was nursing Caleb, because his feet stick out too far. Luckily we didn't have to worry about that. Our flight left at 6:45 and so I nursed Caleb, hoping he would go to sleep. He did, but not for awhile. He slept the last hour of our flight and didn't even wake up until we were about ready to get off the plane. We were very excited that Daddy came to the airport to pick us up! Caleb fell asleep in the car right away on the way home, and then we were able to successfully put him in his crib at home and he went right back to sleep. So all in all, it was a pretty good trip. We are glad that Daddy gets to come on our next trip in a couple of weeks.
I specifically planned my trip so I could go to work on Friday, but my mom was still gone, so Steve stayed home with Caleb in the morning and then dropped him off at Rad and Jen's house when he left for work. Rad was on his own for awhile before Jen got home but he did great and even fed Caleb lunch.
Daddy didn't send Caleb with a coat, so they had to improvise to take him for a walk
Unfortunately, Caleb wouldn't take a nap for Auntie Jen, and she tried so hard! She finally took him for a drive in the car and he fell asleep in the car seat. He was asleep when I got there but woke up shortly after, so it was a short nap, but at least it took the edge off of the crankiness.
We had a quick supper and gave Caleb a bath and then got him to bed early and we went to bed early as well, because it had been a late night the night before.
Sabbath morning Caleb slept a little later than usual because he hadn't napped well. He then took a short morning nap, so we were able to make it to part of Sabbath School, which was nice. After church, it was potluck and Caleb didn't want to eat much, which was unusual. He was fussing and actually gagged up some of his food, so I knew something wasn't quite right. He was fussier than usual at home that afternoon too, so we decided to give him some Tylenol before bed in case his teeth were bothering him, but right before bed we noticed that he had a bit of a fever, so it was good we were going to give him Tylenol anyway. Saturday night he slept all night, but was very restless and kept moaning in his sleep. Sunday morning he still had a fever and was so sleepy. He started out playing some and ate a little breakfast, but went downhill fast. I put him down for a nap in the morning and he was asleep for about 10 minutes and then woke up crying and then threw up all over his crib and his floor. Since he didn't really take much of a nap, he was so tired and slept on the couch with me for awhile. He took a really long nap in the afternoon and when he got up he was burning hot and we checked his temperature and it was 104! That worried us some, so we called the on-call doctor. She told us to give him Motrin instead of Tylenol because it lasts longer, dress him in only a onesie and diaper for bed and then I should bring him in on Monday morning. I was worried about his fever, so I had him sleep in our room in the pack and play Sunday night. He slept all night again, but was very restless. He still had a fever Monday morning and was very sleepy. I had to wake him up from his morning nap to go to the doctor. Turns out he has an ear infection, so at least it is something that is treatable. We got him some amoxicillin and gave it to him right away so it could start doing its thing. The rest of the week has been a blur and there is not much to report because we have just been laying low. Caleb has been sleeping a lot, which is so unusual for him, and he is refusing to eat any solid foods, although thankfully he is still nursing, so that is a good thing. He cries when we try to give him any food, so I don't know if something hurts when he eats or what. I just hope that we haven't regressed in the food department when he does finally feel better, because we had such a struggle getting to where we are! It would be nice if some of these long naps stick around though! Tuesday night Caleb was in bed at 7:00 and didn't get up until 8:00 Wednesday morning. That was a nice treat, because we had gotten another blizzard overnight and Steve didn't have to go to work at all and I didn't have to go until noon, so we were able to sleep in as well. Even though he slept so long, he was really tired when he woke up and after nursing him and giving him his medicine, which he absolutely hates, he was tired again and slept on my lap from 9:00-9:30. I left for work around 11:00 and he had just fallen asleep and Steve ended up waking him up around 3:00 from his nap, so that is crazy. Last night he was in bed at 6:45 and got up at 6:45 this morning. Then he went down for a nap at 8:45 and it has been almost 2 hours, and he is still sleeping. I just hope he feels better soon because I don't like seeing him sick. I have gotten the cold part as well, which is not fun. I have a really runny nose and a cough, and I had a fever on Tuesday night of 101.2. We are all getting lots of sleep and resting up because we go on vacation again in 9 days!
Here are a few more pictures before I close.
Tired boy
He figured out how to open the puffs
In Florida
Such a pathetic face
Hating his medicine