Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Feeling Better, Sleeping Longer at Night & Getting More Teeth

This was not an exciting week for us as you will notice from the lack of pictures in this entry. Last Friday my mom watched Caleb all day because he was just starting to feel better and I didn't want to expose his germs to anyone else. I was hoping he would sleep well for her since he had been sleeping so well all week, but he was back to his old ways and took a 30 minute nap in the morning after fighting it for awhile and then he wouldn't sleep at all in the afternoon, which of course didn't make me very happy! As I have said before, though, he does not get cranky if he doesn't get a nap, so at least we have that going for us. So, he had an early bedtime and ended up sleeping close to 13 hours Friday night. He didn't wake up until 7:30 on Sabbath morning, which is crazy! That is one thing that has seemed to stick around since he has been feeling better. He is sleeping longer at night, which I am definitely not complaining about! He had been waking up between 5:30 and 6:00 and now he is getting up between 6:30 and 7:00, while still going to sleep at the same time at night! I hope that continues to be a pattern!

Because Caleb slept so long on Sabbath morning, we had to adjust our schedule and he didn't take a nap before going to Sabbath School, so we actually made it for the entire class rather than just the end (or not at all).

Of course, then he was tired at the end of Sabbath School, but it is hard to do a nap at church so I just nursed him to sleep in the mother's room and he slept about 25 minutes, which is better than nothing.

Checking out the piano with Grampy after church
After church we went to my parents' house for lunch. It has been awhile since we have done that, so it was nice. Usually I have been successful putting Caleb down for a nap at their house, but based on his track record lately of not wanting to take a nap on Sabbath afternoon at our house when we have people over and him not napping on Friday for my mother, I decided to bring him home for a nap instead, since he was still getting over his cold and needed some sleep. He fell asleep almost immediately and slept for an hour and a half before I actually woke him up to make sure he would sleep that night!
After Caleb went to bed on Saturday night, Rad and Jen came over and brought the game Monopoly Deal to play. It is a lot of fun and so much better than regular Monopoly! We had a great time and it was very nice to spend time with Rad and Jen.
On Sunday I got up and worked for a few hours and stopped around noon so Steve could get some things done. Caleb and I went to the grocery store to get a few things and Babies R Us. Steve worked a little while on the playroom while we were gone. Then we came back and had lunch. Thankfully Caleb has been eating normally this week. I was worried when he wouldn't eat last week that he was going to regress with the eating, but he was normal this week, so I am happy about that. While Caleb napped, I folded laundry and made some soup for supper (Calcutta Curry soup, which is my new favorite soup).
On Monday, we had a really nice day in the 40's! We went out shopping to Old Navy, Trader Joe's, and CVS and it almost felt like spring.
After Steve got home, we took the dogs for a nice walk, which is a little rare these days because of the weather. Caleb loves taking walks, so hopefully we will start to have some nicer weather again soon.
On Tuesday we were finally able to go back to our playgroup. We had missed it 2 weeks in a row because of being in Florida and then Caleb being sick. It is one of the highlights of our week, so we were very happy to be able to see our friends again after so long. Caleb really seemed to enjoy himself this week and was all over the place. I also started to pack Caleb's things for our vacation next week because it is coming up quickly and I need to make sure I am ready!
This morning I had to wake Caleb up at 6:40 to make sure I could nurse him before leaving for work.
I should have gotten up a little earlier because we ended up having a few inches of snow last night and it was still snowing this morning and the roads were absolutely terrible! The drive was worse today than it was last Wednesday morning after we had a blizzard! I think no one was expecting this morning's snow, so nothing had been plowed or sanded, etc. Anyway, I made it to work in one piece (although a few minutes late) and it was all melted by the time I came home, so it was fine. My mom is in Florida right now, so I had Dede babysit Caleb all day today. He was good for her, except for his naps. This morning he took almost an hour to go to sleep (although once he went to sleep he slept an hour and 20 minutes). Then this afternoon he wouldn't go to sleep at all. I don't know why it is such a struggle to get Caleb to go to sleep for anyone else but me. He never doesn't take a nap for me (except sometimes on Sabbath afternoons when we have people at our house), so I don't know what is going on when he is with my mom, Jen, and now Dede. I need to figure out what is going on so we can fix it, but I am at a loss!
I realized that I hadn't taken a lot of pictures, so I took some of Caleb's bath tonight.

Oh, I forgot to mention that it appears that Caleb is working on several more teeth. One on the top is about to pop through. It seems like there's always something going on! Well, that's about it for this week. Here are a couple more pictures!
The flash was too much for him!

I love this picture with the drum! He looks like a natural!


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