Saturday, April 4, 2015

New Play Groups, Coloring Easter Eggs & Trips to the Mall

Last Sunday was one of the first warm-ish days we have had in a very long time. So, after working most of the day, we went outside in the late afternoon to play in the backyard. Caleb insisted on going in his sandbox, so in he went with his winter coat and hat on. He made a big mess, but he had fun and I can't wait until it is actually warm enough for him to play in the sandbox with summer clothes on (or just a diaper).

On Monday we started a new play group. We are no longer doing Miss Lori's class this session, because they are charging for it this time. Not that it isn't worth it, but we would rather do other things instead of paying for that. So, we signed up for a group called Preschoolers Unplugged. It is designed to get kids away from the TV and other media and do other things instead. It is 1 1/2 hours long and it was really fun. It was at a school, in an actual preschool classroom, so there were lots of fun things to play with. Caleb got to plant some seeds (and pour water all over the place with the watering can), "paint" the chalkboard with water, play in some sand, paint with Q-tips and some other things. They had free play for about 45 minutes, then story time, snack time, and a few minutes outside (although it was a little chilly and I hadn't brought his warm coat). All in all, it was very fun and I think we will enjoy going for the next couple of months. 

This was a great idea and I think I will try it when it gets warmer out. I will let him "paint" the outside of the house!

"My hands are cold!"

On Tuesday we did another new group. It was a music class that you did have to pay for, but it is basically a donation to the program that runs all of the play groups, and since we have taken advantage of so many free groups, I don't mind paying for one group, especially a music class for my little musician! Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures at the music class, but it was a lot of fun. There were lots of instruments to play with at the beginning and then we sang a bunch of songs and did some moving around. Caleb really liked it and some of our friends were there too, so that was fun (one of our friends is also doing the Monday group too). 

Tuesday afternoon Steve took Caleb to swimming lessons while I stayed home and worked because I was on a deadline for something. Then after swimming lessons my mom came over and babysat Caleb so Steve and I could go for our March date (it was the 31st after all). We went to Alberto's and had a nice meal, then we stopped and got a free sundae at Friendly's since I had a coupon for my birthday. 

Wednesday was my 33rd birthday and I did have to work, but it was fine. After work, I had a prenatal massage for an hour, which was very relaxing and then we went out to supper with my mom (my dad was teaching a class and Rad and Jen have to put Levi to bed early these days). We tried a new Mexican restaurant close to our house. It was pretty good. I got lots of phone calls, texts, and Facebook messages from friends and family, so all in all, it was a good birthday. 

All ready to go to Grammy's house

New sweatshirt at Grammy's house because I hadn't packed a warm enough coat for a walk

On Thursday, we decorated some Easter eggs. First we dyed them and then we put stickers on them that came with the kit. Caleb had a lot of fun and he is very proud of his Easter eggs! 

Late Thursday morning we went to the mall to check out a storytime that they have there once a month. They do it in the food court and Regina Pizzeria gives each kid a free kid's meal (pizza, drink, and applesauce). Before storytime, I thought we would ride the carousel (since it is right next to the food court), but Caleb wanted to ride the cars instead, so we had to walk all the way to the other end of the mall to do that. We had time and I brought the stroller, so it was fine and he had fun. 

The storytime was good, but a little chaotic. And it was hard to hear the stories, but the food was good! We might not come back to that again until he is a little older, unless we just go for the free pizza. 

Yesterday I worked again and Caleb and Grammy went to the mall to do some last minute birthday shopping for me and they went on the carousel. 

Then Dede and the girls babysat in the afternoon and they also took him to the mall and rode the carousel. So, I guess it is good we rode the cars when I took him on Thursday! So, he had a fun and busy day.

Last night my mom made supper for me for my birthday and Rad and Jen and Levi came over as well. We had a very nice supper and opened presents and I got some nice things, including some things for Kaitlyn's room.

I have to close with a story about Caleb that shows how great his memory is. On our way to the mall, Caleb said "The mall is in Hyannis." I thought that was pretty good, so I asked him, "Do you know what town we live in?" And he said "Centerville." I was very impressed and I said, "That's right. You are a smart boy!" At supper that night, he did something and Steve told him he was smart, so I was trying to think of what had happened earlier in the day when I had told Caleb he was smart. I could not remember what he had said. So, Steve says "Caleb, what did you say when Mommy told you you were a smart boy?" He thought for about 2 seconds and then said "Centerville!" I couldn't believe it and my mouth dropped open and I said, "Oh my word! That IS what he said!" I knew the kid had a good memory, but that just surprised me that he remembered exactly what had happened. Anyway, enough bragging about my kid! Until next time...

My cutest birthday message on Facebook!

My budding musician (note he is playing with his left hand)

More fun in the backyard - he loved the swing!!

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