When I uploaded my pictures to Google, it added the sparkling to the picture, which was pretty cool.
We didn't do supper with my family on Friday night, so we just had a relaxing evening and went to bed early, which we enjoy doing on Friday nights.
Caleb slept great on Friday night. He fell asleep nursing around 6:45 and I put him to bed around 7:15 and then he slept until almost 7:00! Then he took a nap of almost an hour and a half before church! I guess he was tired! We stayed in church for awhile and then Caleb started getting antsy so we went out into the lobby so he could crawl around. Our friend Ina happened to come by with her camera and it turned into a photo shoot in the lobby. She got some really great pictures which I was excited about.
I probably would have used this picture on our Christmas card if I hadn't already done ours!
Love this one!
Here are some of my pictures from Sabbath that aren't as good as hers.
Sabbath afternoon we had Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? and we hosted at our house, so we had quite a crowd. I tried putting Caleb down for a nap in the afternoon and he absolutely wouldn't go to sleep. He does this a lot when we have company over. I don't know if it is the excitement or if he can hear all the noise outside his room that keeps him awake. I even tried nursing him to sleep and he wouldn't go to sleep, so I left him in his crib for awhile and then just gave up on the nap altogether. I guess he had slept so long Friday night and had a good nap Sabbath morning so he decided he had slept enough for the day! However, after sundown we went to Bath & Body Works at the mall because they were having a big sale and then after that we headed to the church for Night in Bethlehem and out of the blue, Caleb fell asleep in the car. It was too close to his bedtime, so I didn't want him to really sleep, but I didn't have to worry about it, because as soon as we got to the church, he woke up. The few minutes he slept seemed to actually help, though, because he wasn't as whiny at Night in Bethlehem as he had been earlier.
Because he needed to go to bed soon and was tired, we didn't stay too long at Night in Bethlehem, but we still enjoyed our time very much. It is a really great thing that our church does and so many people are involved in making it a success.
Holding onto our "money" for the marketplace
Grampy as the angel Gabriel
Caleb and the two "census-takers"
Saturday night we decided to try and not give Caleb Tylenol before bed, which we have been doing for awhile because of his teeth. Well, that didn't work out too well. Around midnight, he woke up fussing and then went back to sleep. Well, this happened a couple more times and finally around 1:30, we got up and gave him Tylenol and then I nursed him back to sleep. He was pretty good the rest of the night, but didn't sleep as late as I would have hoped. I think he was up around 6:30. Sunday morning he only ended up taking a 30 minute nap, which he hasn't done in awhile, and I was so upset because we were going to a kids' Christmas party that my company does and it started at 12:00, so I knew we wouldn't be back until around 2:30, so I was hoping Caleb would have a great morning nap. Of course that would be the day that he took a short morning nap!
We went to the Christmas party at 12:00. It was at a hotel in Hyannis. First we had pizza and then Santa came with gifts for all the kids (parents had to give a gift with their child's name on it). 2 of the women that work for me were there with their kids, so we sat with them. It was nice that we actually knew some of the people (my company is huge, so I don't know a lot of people that work on the boats, etc.).
Caleb did great with Santa. After everyone got their presents, Santa stayed for pictures, so we got some good ones. Caleb was very well behaved and Santa told Caleb he could stay on Santa's lap all day since he was so good!
His shirt says "Been Good All Year"
After Santa, the kids (and parents) got to go into the wave pool at the hotel. I decided not to go in, but Steve did and Caleb had a great time! I was starting to get worried because at the end of the time with Santa he was starting to act really tired so I wasn't sure how he would do, but as soon as he got into the pool, he was so happy and had such a fun time! We were only there about 45 minutes because he did need his nap, but it was a great time and we will definitely go again!
We got home around 2:30 and I put Caleb down for a nap right away and he fell asleep in about 2 minutes and ended up sleeping for 2 hours and 15 minutes! It was a nice little gift for me because then I got to watch the whole Patriots game (which I had on DVR) by myself! And what a game it was!
After Caleb got up from his nap we went back to Night in Bethlehem at the church because our next door neighbors were going to go. This time we didn't have to worry about Caleb being tired, so we stayed a little longer and enjoyed ourselves. Our neighbors had a great time, so that was nice.
Eating a cookie from the inn
On Monday I worked because I can't work Friday this week because Amy & Greg and the kids are coming home and coming to our house for the weekend!! We are so excited! Anyway, Grammy babysat on Monday and they had a good day. They went to the mall and did some Christmas shopping and here is a picture Grammy took.
Tuesday we went to our play group, however, I wasn't sure we were going to make it. We went out and I tried to start the van and it was dead. I called Steve and he said he had shut off a light in the back but didn't think anything of it because he didn't think it had been on long. Well, I guess it had, because the battery was dead. Anyway, Steve was able to talk me through jumpstarting the van, so I was impressed with that and we were only about 15-20 minutes late to play group, but 2 other moms got there at the same time as me, so it wasn't bad. It had started snowing late morning, so after getting home from play group, we just stayed in the rest of the day and didn't go out again. Caleb took a nice long nap in the afternoon and then we went through his closet and got rid of the remaining 12 month clothes, because he is now officially in 12-18 months for everything.
I guess he loves his socks!
At play group
Stealing Cheerios from another mom - he was a little beggar!
"Helping" with the clothes
Our house after the snow
Here is a picture at Grammy's house. I asked her to send me a picture late in the day because I hadn't gotten one all day and I missed Caleb!
I stopped at Market Basket on my way home to do the majority of my weekend grocery shopping for our company so Steve picked Caleb up from my mom's. By the time I got home, it was a rushed evening to get ready for bed, but I am so glad to get my shopping done and it was nice to do it without Caleb.
Well, that's about it. Here are a few more pictures!
Don't you feel like you are always "going through the clothes" constantly! It is crazy - it's a lot of work! Caleb looks so grown-up to me! Our boys are growing so fast!