Last Friday I worked and I have no idea what my mom and Caleb did all day. She did send me one picture.
On Friday night we went out to Thai food for supper with my parents, Rad & Jen, and Dania. We had a lovely time and of course, the food was delicious! Then we came home to get Caleb ready for bed. After he went to bed, we got packed up to head to Vermont the next morning.
Sabbath morning we headed out to Vermont to Steve's parents' house after Caleb got up and we fed him breakfast. We were planning on making it to church for at least a little while (knowing that we would probably have to leave in order to get him home for his nap), but Steve decided to take a different route to the church that he thought would be quicker and we got a little lost and went way out of our way and by the time we finally figured out where we were, we just decided to go straight to his parents' house instead. So we let Caleb play for a little while since he had been cooped up in the car and then we got him all ready for his nap and got him down before everybody got home from church. He was tired and slept about an hour and a half, which is pretty good for being in a different house.
The main reason we went up for the weekend was because Amy, Greg, Tyler & Ryan had just gotten home from Thailand for several weeks and we wanted to see them! So it was great to see them again! Sabbath afternoon we had a nice lunch and then we took a short walk to a playground where the boys played around.
After that for the rest of the day, we pretty much just sat around and talked. Caleb had no trouble going to sleep in a foreign location, so that was good.
Sunday morning Caleb woke up right at 6:00 and lay in bed with us for a few minutes. Then we were up for the day! I still needed to work even though we were in Vermont, but I do have a lot of extra hours accumulated, so I didn't need to work as much as I usually do. I still worked about 4 hours in between breakfast and visiting. Steve and Caleb headed up to Bruce's cabins for a little while and Caleb enjoyed seeing the chickens and roosters and was trying to imitate them. We put Caleb down for his nap and then we had lunch and got ready to go while he slept. He slept for about 2 hours and we wanted to head home, so we kinda woke him up. Steve went in there and started moving things around, so he woke up on his own but he probably would have slept a little longer if we hadn't done that. We had an uneventful trip home and let Caleb run around and play for awhile before we had to get him ready for bed. I think he missed being home because he was very excited to go and play in his room!
On Monday, we went to storytime at the Centerville library and met up with our friends Beth and Charlie. Caleb seems to enjoy the storytime but he has a little hard time sitting still as you can imagine!
In the afternoon, I folded and put away a couple loads of laundry and then Caleb spent some time outside playing with his water table (that we got for free). I didn't take his shirt off before playing, so I did have to change him but it was worth it. He had a lot of fun splashing around!
We got off the boat in Oak Bluffs and headed to the carousel for the kids! Jonathan and I rode with the kids and they had a lot of fun! I stood behind Caleb on the horse and I was grabbing the rings as they went by and we ended up with the brass ring at the end! That meant we could get a free ride and we could have stayed on if we wanted, but the girls would have had to get off because there was a line, so we ended up just getting a coupon for a free ride next time instead.
Holding his free coupon!
After the carousel, we walked over to the gingerbread cottages for awhile and the kids had fun running around.
Then we had lunch at a cute little restaurant and we all crammed into a pretty large booth. We had a nice lunch and then headed out to catch a bus to Edgartown. By this time Caleb was getting very tired because it was well past his nap time, so as soon as we got out in Edgartown, I put him in the stroller and covered him with the canopy and he was passed out in less than a minute! Of course he only slept for about 30 minutes, which is what I expected, but I am just glad that he slept at all! While Caleb slept, we walked around and got ice cream right next to the harbor in a beautiful location!
Caleb ate his supper in the car on the way home so he could run around and play when we got home after being cooped up in the car, boat, and bus all day! We had a lot of fun and it was great to spend the day with the Walls!
Today I worked and my mom and Caleb had a good day, shopping at BJ's and cooking at home.
Watching Grammy cook
Well, that's about it. Here are a few more pictures! There will be no post next week because of camp meeting so stay tuned in 2 weeks!
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