Thursday, March 21, 2013

First Time Sick!

You may recall from last week's post that I said my mom had a cold and was worried about giving it to Caleb. He seemed fine on Thursday, but Thursday night he started to cough a little, so I was pretty sure he had gotten her cold. He coughed some on Friday, but didn't seem too bad and then seemed a little better on Sabbath, but on Sunday he started to sound worse. His breathing started to sound wheezy, so I wanted to take him to the doctor just to make sure it was nothing worse than a cold. I called the doctor's office Monday morning and they wanted me to come in in about 45 minutes, which was a challenge because I was just starting to feed Caleb and it takes us 15 minutes to get to the doctor's office. I tried to switch to a bottle because that is a lot quicker than breastfeeding him, but he wouldn't take the bottle until right before we had to leave, so he didn't end up getting as much as he usually does. I was hoping he wouldn't be fussy at the doctor and that we wouldn't have to wait awhile. Luckily, we got right in and he was not fussy. They listened to his breathing and said he did sound wheezy but since he wasn't struggling to breathe that he was fine. They took a swab in his nose for RSV, which is a virus much like the common cold. They said there wasn't much we could do for a virus, but suggested a humidifier in his room and elevating the head of his crib. So, that's what we did Monday night. Tuesday morning they called me and said he did have RSV, but that didn't change the course of treatment. So, we just kind of lay low all day, although we did make a quick trip to Trader Joe's with Steve once he got home from work. I made the decision on Tuesday night to stay home from work on Wednesday. Not because I didn't think my mom could handle Caleb bein sick. But, I just wanted to be with him while he was sick instead of worrying about him while I was at work. My boss was understanding, which is good. It is a good thing I stayed home, because Wednesday morning Caleb projectile vomited the first 3 times I fed him. He kept some down, but I was worried about him! I don't think he has a stomach bug or anything. I think it is from all the mucous in his stomach from his nose draining. It was a real mess, though, and we both went through several changes of clothes. He kept everything down starting around noon, and we had no more problems the rest of the day. My grandparents just got here for a week, so they came over for lunch yesterday with my parents since Caleb wasn't feeling well (otherwise I would have gone over there). Caleb had gone down for a nap around noon and since he usually sleeps for 30 minutes, I thought he would be up soon after they got there. Of course, he decided to sleep until 2:00, so they didn't get to see him until later that afternoon when I went over to my parents' house to visit. This morning, Caleb did throw up one time, but it was after he had a coughing fit, so it was a little different than yesterday, so I think he is doing better. He slept almost 11 hours straight last night and didn't cough much during the night, so I was happy about that.

One thing I want to mention is that when we went to the doctor's office, they did weigh Caleb. He weighs 16 pounds, 1 ounce. We go next week for his official 4 month appointment, so we will get the rest of his stats then.

One milestone this week is that we finally put Caleb in the bumbo seat and he did pretty good with it. We had tried one time before and he didn't like it, but now he is doing pretty good with it.

Here are some pictures of this week. I didn't take too many, since Caleb hasn't been feeling well, but we did get a couple of good ones at church last week and an especially cute one on St. Patrick's Day in a shirt that someone had given us. Hopefully next week will be a better one for us. Caleb is getting dedicated this Sabbath at church, so I will post pictures of that next week.

Caleb at 16 weeks old
Caleb at 2 weeks old

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Nana was so happy to see Caleb after almost 3 months!

1 comment:

  1. I am so jealous that Caleb is getting so big! Wes is only 12+ pounds! Why do I grow peanuts?
