Thursday, March 28, 2013

Caleb's Dedication & 4 Months Old!

Last Friday I worked and Caleb stayed with my mom all day, since Jen had a tough week and because Nana & Grandpa were visiting and my mom thought they would enjoy being with Caleb all day (which, of course they did). Caleb had a tough night Thursday night (he was up a couple of times), so he hadn't slept that much. Luckily, he did take a good long nap for my mom, which was good. Friday evening Steve's parents and Caroline and Corey came down to spend the weekend with us for Caleb's dedication.

They brought supper, which was nice of them. We kept Caleb up a little later than usual because they were there, but then he was overtired and had a hard time eating before bed, so we won't do that again. He slept about 7 hours Friday night and then another 3, which was pretty good, but not great, especially since he was sick. Both Steve and I were really not feeling well either, and we would have most likely stayed home from church if Caleb wasn't getting dedicated. I had bought Caleb a nice new vest to wear for his dedication and Steve has a sweater that looks very similar so I wanted him to wear it to match Caleb. Here are a few pictures we took before church (just in case the outfit got ruined).

Love this picture - both boys are so handsome!

We got to church and Caleb's dedication was fairly early in the service, which was nice, since the longer we waited, the more likely he would get fussy. It was a very nice dedication. It started with a slideshow that Steve and I had made of Caleb's life so far. We put it to the song "I Want To Be Just Like You" by Phillips, Craig, and Dean. It is a very appropriate song and I really loved it. Here is a link to the slideshow that Steve put on YouTube.
Grandpa did the dedication and did a very nice job. We are so happy he was able to be here to do that for us. Pastor John wasn't able to be here and he was very disappointed, but he had sent a book and a little lamb Bible for Caleb. Also, a tradition in our church is that any baby dedicated in the church gets one free month of tuition to the school, so Jen gave us a certificate for that, which I am sure we will use in a few years! Here are a few pictures taken by my friend Tiffany during the dedication.

I left with Caleb shortly after the dedication because he was tired and hungry. Being tired won out and he fell asleep on the very short car ride from the church to my parents' house.
He slept for about 45 minutes and then when I tried to feed him, he only ate for about 5 minutes and then got fussy. Unfortunately, this continued for the rest of the day. He definitely appeared hungry, but I think something was bothering him when he tried to eat (his nose maybe), so he ate for about 5 minutes at a time several times throughout the rest of the day. Luckily, right before bed, he ate normally.
When we got home from church, we had a surprise in that Yully had made some surprise cupcakes for Caleb's dedication. Some of them had a baby on them and some of them had a cross on them. They were beautiful and delicious! It was so thoughtful of Yully and just one of the reasons we are so happy David and Yully are living close to us!

After lunch, we sat around and visited for awhile and then took some family pictures to document the occasion. We got some good ones!

Then we went back to our house and took a walk with Steve's family. We walked for about 45 minutes and Caleb slept the whole time, right until we got home, so that was nice. Nana & Grandpa came over in the evening because my parents had to go to a wedding reception, and they had a nice visit with Steve's family.

Sunday I had to get up and work like always, even though we had company. I got about 5 1/2 hours today before we had to go to Olive Garden to celebrate Nana's birthday, which had been earlier in the month.

We had a good time, but Caleb was needing a nap at the end, so I just took him home and of course he fell asleep in the car. He woke up about 15 minutes after we got home, which I knew wasn't long enough, so I took him out of his car seat and put him in his pack and play with his pacifier. It worked for about 5 minutes and then he cried again, so I put the pacifier back in and I think he woke up another 5 minutes later and finally I put the pacifier in again and he slept for another hour or more. So, I might try that with other naps when he wakes up after 30 minutes. Maybe I can get him to sleep longer!

Steve's family was going to leave earlier in the afternoon, but Steve was working on his dad's computer, so they ended up staying until about 6:45, which was fine, except Caleb was having a fussy evening again and so it was a little tough with everyone there. Once they left, I fed him and he ate very well and then he went to bed. He slept very well Sunday night and then I went to work on Monday, because my mom wanted to have Wednesday to herself after Nana & Grandpa left and also so Caleb could spend a little more time with Nana & Grandpa. Since Steve was sick, he ended up staying home on Monday and kept Caleb in the morning, because my mom had to take Grandpa to the hospital for a procedure. He dropped Caleb off in the afternoon so he could get some sleep.

Caleb slept 11 hours on Monday night, which I was really happy about! Tuesday morning we had to go to the doctor for Caleb's 4 month appointment. We had to wait awhile for the doctor, which seems to always happen, so Caleb kept busy on the exam table with a rattle. He was really moving around and was very good despite the long wait.

Caleb's 4 month stats are:

Weight: 16 pounds, 5 ounces (68th percentile)
Length: 26 1/4 inches (84th percentile)

What's funny is the doctor actually said "He is thin for his height", which I don't think anyone would ever say by looking at him. She was happy with how well he was doing. He did have to get shots again, which of course he screamed for, but then he did ok after a few minutes. Later that evening he did seem a little sore and was fussy, so we gave him 1/2 a dose of Tylenol before he went to bed. Caleb slept 10 1/2 hours Tuesday night and then after I fed him he went back to sleep for another hour, so I was happy that I could get a little more work done. Wednesday we went out to lunch with my parents and Rad and the ladies from the office, since I wasn't at work. I was hoping that Caleb would fall asleep on the way to the restaurant, but he didn't. He stayed happy for awhile in the restaurant, but then got a little fussy and didn't want to go to sleep, so while we were waiting for our food, I drove him around the block and he fell asleep immediately.

Wednesday was a beautiful day and I was so happy to take Caleb out for a walk in his stroller in the afternoon. He usually does so well in the stroller and goes right to sleep. Well, I don't know what happened, but he started out a little fussy and I thought he would get better, so I kept walking and by the time I was about 15-20 minutes away from home, he was really crying and not sleeping, and I actually had to take him out of the stroller and carry him for a few minutes so he would calm down. It was not easy to carry him and push the stroller with the other hand. Needless to say, it was not an enjoyable walk and I was a little upset, especially since he didn't seem to be crying for any reason. We did take another walk later with Steve and the dogs and this time I put in the Bjorn and he did much better.
Last night Caleb slept for 9 1/2 hours and then went back to sleep for another almost 2 hours. His gas problems seem to have gone away, so I am happy that he is sleeping better. I guess that is it for now. Here are a few more pictures from this week!

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