Thursday, March 7, 2013

Week 14

I think Thursday might be my new post day. My focus on Monday and Tuesday is making sure I get enough work done from home and then usually I have a little more time on Thursday. We'll see if that changes.

Last Friday was the first day that Auntie Jen watched Caleb in the afternoon. Grammy had him in the morning and then Jen picked him up around 1:00 after she got out of school. Unfortunately, Caleb seemed to be having a fussy time, so poor Jen had a little bit of a hard time at first, but then after a nap (short, of course), Caleb was back to his happy, smiley self. Rad was there too, because he doesn't have class on Fridays, so he enjoyed spending time with Caleb and even gave him a bottle. It is definitely good practice for Rad because he hasn't been around a lot of babies. He refuses to change a diaper though!

Sabbath was a busy day. We were going to try to make it to Sabbath School for the first time, but Caleb's schedule didn't really work out for that. We did get to church around 10:30 and Caleb needed to eat, but they were having a Sabbath School class in the mother's room, so we couldn't go in there quite yet, so we did end up visiting Cradle Roll for about 15 minutes and everyone enjoyed seeing Caleb. They were playing songs on a CD and Caleb seemed to enjoy it very much and even forgot that he was hungry for a few minutes!

We were in the mother's room during church so I could feed Caleb and there were a couple other little girls in there. One little girl, Vanessa, wanted to read to Caleb after he was done eating and it was very cute.


Here are a couple of other pictures from the mother's room.

We went to my parents' house for lunch and we got to see Liz Gagnon who we hadn't seen in a very long time. She was on the Cape because her brother Jeremiah was in the hospital, so it wasn't good circumstances, but it was very nice to see her!
Some people wanted to go for a walk on Craigville Beach on Sabbath afternoon. We decided to go, even though Caleb needed a nap. It wasn't a very good idea. We put Caleb in a snow outfit that didn't fit him very well and then he was too bulky to put in the baby Bjorn, so I just carried him. It was a little awkward especially on the sand and he ended up falling asleep on the walk back to the car. We were able to take him out of the outfit and put him in his car seat and he stayed asleep, so that was good.
Saturday night there was a church social at our church and it was a beach party theme. We knew we wouldn't be able to stay the whole time, but we wanted to make an appearance and it was a lot of fun.

Towards the end, Caleb was getting tired, so I put him in the baby Bjorn and walked around with him and at first, the loud noises of everyone kept waking him up right as he was drifting off to sleep, but then he was out and nothing would wake him up. That's when we decided to go home, though, so we could feed him and put him to bed and it wouldn't be too late.


Sunday I worked from home for about 6 hours. Caleb woke up at 5:30, so I fed him and then started working after he went back to sleep. I think he slept another 2 1/2 or 3 hours, so that was good for Steve. Steve took this picture of me working, because he thought it was so cute that Kylie wanted to just be with me.
We didn't do too much else on Sunday, because Steve was working on the Accord but he also needed to go out and do some things, so he had taken the van.
Monday we went to BJs and then to Babies 'R Us to look for a new bouncer seat so we could leave one at my mom's house. We didn't find a cheap one, so I ended up ordering one on Amazon instead. I was also looking for an outfit for Caleb to wear when he gets dedicated at church in a couple of weeks. I didn't find an outfit, but I did get a cute vest that I think he can just wear over a white shirt. Here is a funny picture of Caleb in Babies 'R Us. I love his expression.
On Monday evening, Caleb was ready to take a nap when Steve got home and Steve needed to go to Home Depot, so Caleb and I went with him and Caleb didn't fall asleep in the car on the way there, but did fall asleep in Home Depot. I'm sure Steve was disappointed that Caleb wasn't more interested in the store! 
Tuesday we went to the grocery store and Old Navy and Caleb stayed awake the whole time and was so good! Usually he falls asleep in the car on the way home, but he didn't even do that. He was actually just talking to himself in his car seat on the way home and then took a nap after we got home. I've started to try to do more tummy time with Caleb, even though his neck muscles are already pretty strong. I have been using the Boppy to prop him up with and he does such a good job of holding his whole head up. He keeps it up for a really long time too, without resting. Here are a couple of pictures of that.

Yesterday Caleb had a busy day with Grammy. She took him to the mall in his stroller (which she used for the first time) and he slept the whole time. He actually slept for over 2 hours with her, because he hadn't slept that great on Tuesday night (which always seems to happen when I go to work the next day). He had woken up at 2:40 and then again at 6:15. Grammy and Caleb had lunch at the office, as always, and then she took him to visit Aunt Betsy before going home for the rest of the day. Last night, Caleb slept about 8 hours and got up at 4:40. I put him back down at 5:30 and then he didn't get up until 9:00, so that was good. Today is a rainy day, so we can't get out and take a walk like we usually do, so we might go and do some shopping later. Here are a few more pictures from this week.
Enjoying his play mat

Happy that Daddy is home from work!

Chewing on his hand during bath time

Love the Patriots pajamas

Love this face!!!

Love the chubby legs - the onesie is from my baby shower

Smiling at Daddy

Caleb has found his hands and does this a lot now




  1. Have no fear, Steve! Give him a few months and I'm CERTAIN Caleb will be as big of a fan of the Depot...or maybe he prefers Lowe's (I know I do!). The big question is, has he been to Harbor Freight?? I can't remember if you've mentioned that.

  2. Love his smiles! They are contagious!
