We also took him on the slide and sat on a little bouncy thing for a few minutes. The swing was definitely the biggest hit, though! We are going to try to get some sort of swing/swingset in our yard so we don't always have to go to the playground, although once Caleb gets older, I think he will have a blast at that playground, because there are a ton of things to do!
After the trip to the playground, we dropped by Rad and Jen's house to give them a walker to have for when Caleb comes to their house. This was the first time he had used a walker and we put him in it immediately and he had a blast moving all around their kitchen. It will be good entertainment for him at their house.
After Rad and Jen's house, our friend Henry came over for a quick visit. He hadn't seen Caleb in about 2 months and was eager to see him. He thought he had gotten quite big since the last time he saw him!
Friday morning we took Caleb to my mom's house, but I took a couple of cute pictures at home before we left, because he was just so cute in his turtle pajamas.
Caleb had a very busy day with Grammy. She had a luncheon with her cousins and had to bring him with her, so she was hoping it would go ok. Luckily, it did! He was the star of the show, supposedly, and all the ladies enjoyed seeing him. Here is a picture of him, good as gold, on his play mat at cousin Kathy's house and another picture from Grammy's house.
On Friday, we also got a walker for our house, so here is Caleb trying it out. It is a little short for him, but he still enjoys it. I love the picture of him just starting at all the pictures I have on the fridge. It seemed to fascinate him.
Friday night we decided to try leaving one arm out of Caleb's swaddle. It went pretty good, actually. He woke up at 5:00, which wasn't too bad, and I think it was gas that woke him up and not because he had one arm out. We had a concert at church at 10:00, so we went to church earlier than normal and I thought it might be a problem, because I wasn't sure how Caleb would do taking a nap at church. I fed him during the concert and then after he was awake for awhile, I tried to take him for a walk in the stroller to get him to take a nap. At first, he was just happy and awake, but then he did get tired and wouldn't go to sleep, but started to cry a lot. I got frustrated and went back to the church to see if I could get him to fall asleep while eating, and he ended up falling asleep in my arms for an hour, which I was very happy about. While he was sleeping, church ended and everyone went down to potluck, so Steve had to make me a plate. Caleb woke up before it was over, though, so we were still able to go down and visit.
During potluck, I went over to where my dad was sitting and asked him if he wanted to hold Caleb. He was so excited that he backed his chair up right on top of my toe. It hurt pretty bad and started to bleed a little bit, and I was so startled that I was afraid I was going to drop Caleb. It ended up being fine, but my dad felt so bad and asked me a million times how I was doing.
After potluck, we went home and I fed Caleb and then we went up to walk on the canal. We went with Rad & Jen, David & Yully (and Toby), my mom, Rosalie, and Dini. Caleb was due for a nap, so I was hoping he would fall asleep in the stroller. It went a little better than during church, but he still put up a little fight before giving in. We took a nice walk and it was very enjoyable.
Sunday morning Caleb woke up at about 4:20, so I was awake, but then he was able to fall back asleep on his own and slept until about 7:15. I stayed up after Caleb woke up at 4:20, so I started work pretty early and was able to be done for the day before noon. Then we went on a few errands. We picked up an exersaucer that I had gotten off Facebook for $10 and then went to a bakery where our neighbors work and then we went to Jen's school for a Social Studies fair, which was very good! Steve went to the dump afterwards and found a jumperoo there for free, so he brought that home too. Both the exersaucer and the jumperoo were in good condition, but dirty, so Steve took them both all apart to give them a good cleaning. He finished cleaning them Tuesday night and they are now in basically perfect condition. My husband is amazing!! Here are a few pictures from Sunday morning while Steve was taking care of Caleb.
I don't know what Steve was doing - just being silly, I guess!
After a big spit-up
Here are also a couple of pictures from later on Sunday while Steve was working on his computer. It was cute how Caleb was touching the mouse and Steve didn't even put him up to it!
Monday was a beautiful day, although it didn't start out that great. I practiced sitting up with Caleb and he did very well. Here is a picture that shows how well he did. He was leaning pretty far forward, but still did it all on his own.
We took a nice walk with my mom in the afternoon. Here are some pictures my mom took and some other random pictures from Monday.
Monday night was very warm, so I decided to try both arms out of the swaddle. Again, I was pleasantly surprised at how well it went, although I shouldn't be, because Caleb seems to adapt very well to change. Here is a picture I took on the monitor that shows how his arms were while he was sleeping.
Caleb took an almost 3 hour nap on Tuesday and I was very surprised. He has been taking much longer naps lately, but this one was the longest one by far! He slept from noon to 3:00, so that ended up being the only nap he took for the day. We took a couple of walks on Tuesday as well, because it was another nice day. When Steve came home, we went to Trader Joe's and JoAnn Fabrices. Steve wants to try to make Caleb a sleep sack, because they are so expensive and he thinks it would be fun! Here are a couple of pictures from Tuesday of Caleb enjoying his walker.
Tuesday night was night 2 with both arms out of the swaddle and Caleb did well again. I should mention that I am still swaddling him for naps, though. I tried to leave him unswaddle for his nap and he didn't want to settle down, so I went up and swaddled him and he went right to sleep.
Wednesday we brought the "new" exersaucer over to my mom's house. She texted me a few pictures of him enjoying it very much, so I am happy about that.
She had to adjust it because his feet couldn't touch!
Happy boy!
My dad took this picture - love the expression, like the bird did something very surprising!
We also tried out the new jumperoo at home and he loved that too! It is like a cross between the johnny jump-up and an exersaucer, so it is perfect! It is very handy to have all of these things to entertain him!
Well, I think that's about it for this week. I guess it was a pretty eventful week! Here are 2 more random pictures.
Wes is loving his jumperoo, exersaucer & walker that I just recently brought up from the basement! It is handy to have all these "pieces!"