Friday, October 3, 2014

Jen's Baby Shower(s), Apple Picking, Church Camping & More

I really do not want to make this a habit of writing every two weeks but it has happened again! It is really hard to remember everything from two weeks, but at least I have pictures to help me remember!

Two Sabbaths ago is when I last posted and that afternoon we took a nice church walk on the Sandwich boardwalk. It was a seasonably cool day and it was beautiful. The beach is a hard place to walk with Caleb at this age because he wants to be independent but he is also very slow, so we didn't make it too far on the beach, but we still had fun.

After the walk, everyone rushed to get back for a church business meeting and supper. Caleb and I just went for the supper and then left to get him to bed. Steve had to stay for the business meeting and he didn't get home until almost 11:00! Crazy!

Sunday was Jen's baby shower at the church. I was kind of in charge of it, but mostly I just delegated things to other people. I did do a lot of cooking, though. Jen's theme is whales and other nautical objects, and the decorations were fabulous (by our friend Damita) and Yully did the cupcakes and they were amazing! I could never in my wildest dreams imagine being able to make anything like that. She is so talented!

Each table had to choose a "baby" to diaper and put a hat on using toilet paper

Beautiful homemade sweater

The shower was very well attended and Jen got a lot of nice gifts. I think she now feels better prepared for Levi's arrival! Unfortunately, my camera died in the middle of the shower, so the last half of the pictures are from my phone which is not as good. Something happened with the lens and it wouldn't go back in anymore. It is still that way, so for awhile I used my old camera and Steve ordered a new camera off eBay and we just got it yesterday. Hopefully it will work out ok for us.

I guess one of the good things about writing every two weeks is I don't write as much about the unimportant events. I will just hit the highlights.

On Tuesday of last week, Caleb and I went to Heritage Plantation with one of our friends. It was a gorgeous fall day and Caleb and his friend Grace had a fun time seeing the antique cars (and sitting in one) and playing at Hidden Hollow and riding the carousel.

On Thursday of last week, our farm group went to a farm where they let us pick some apples. That was really great because they are not open to the public for apple picking. They gave each kid one of the little white bags you see in the grocery store and let them fill it and we took it home for free! Caleb had a lot of fun!

Last Friday we headed down to Nickerson State Park in Brewster after work to go camping with our church. We brought our popup camper and we just stayed there on Friday night because I work from home on Sunday mornings, so that wouldn't work too well if we were camping. We got down there and ate supper and Steve got everything set up. We kept Caleb up a little later than normal in hopes that he would be more tired and would fall asleep faster in a different environment. However, it was brighter than it is in his room and we were next to a campsite with all the Brazilians in our church and they were being very loud until late at night, so unfortunately, Caleb was awake until about 10:00. I was not too impressed with that and I was so glad we were only staying one night. Of course that didn't mean he slept in. He was awake at 6:00, pretty much as soon as it started to get light in the camper. I knew he wouldn't take a nap in the camper, either, so I just prayed that he would take a nap in the Ergo when we went for a walk later in the day.

We had Sabbath School and church and then lunch with the group and then headed out on a nice walk around a pond at the campground. I carried Caleb in the Ergo in hopes that he would go to sleep. We walked over an hour and Caleb did eventually fall asleep which I was so happy about. He didn't sleep too long (maybe 40 minutes), but it was enough to tide him over. He doesn't really get cranky if he is lacking sleep, so I have learned to just roll with it on days that it is hard to give him a nap.

An early morning walk around the campground

So precious! 

After our walk, we hung out at the campsite for awhile and then had supper. Around sundown I left to go to a kid's consignment sale on my way home. I got some great deals and it was nice that Steve brought Caleb home and put him to bed. 

On Sunday, I worked my usual several hours and then I actually ended up going back to the same consignment sale in the afternoon after Caleb's nap, because it was 75% off. There was a lot left on Saturday night so I took my chances that there would still be some good things on Sunday afternoon. I was right and I got a lot of great things for 75% off, including some things that I almost decided to get on Saturday night and decided against it. There is another sale this coming weekend that I am really excited about. And I am especially excited because Shannon and the kids and Aunt Toni are coming down for the sale and to spend the weekend with us! 

We also went to Trader Joe's on Sunday afternoon after the sale and Caleb was very interested in the pumpkins again. 

On Monday, we went to Miss Lori's class. Caleb gets very excited when I tell him that we are going to Miss Lori's, which is cute. He likes seeing his little friends and playing with all the balls and everything that Miss Lori brings. 

Caleb stands like this a lot, which I think is so cute

On Tuesday, I was invited to go to a lunch/baby shower for Jen that the ladies of Case Law were having. I didn't have anyone to watch Caleb and it was his naptime, so Grampy came and watched him, which was nice for me. We went to a tearoom and I don't really like tea, but it was still very nice and they had good food. Rad was originally supposed to be bringing Jen and dropping her off but he was hungry so he decided to stay too. He was a little out of his element, but it was fun and Jen was very surprised and had a nice time. 

On Wednesday I worked but I had to be in Hyannis instead of Woods Hole, which is much closer. So I got to drop Caleb off a little late, which was nice. Also, when I got out of work at 4:00 I was closer to home, so I actually stopped at Goodwill and looked for some pants before going home (and Steve ended up picking up Caleb at my mom's so I didn't have to rush). I found several pairs of pants, which is so unusual for me. I was very happy that I went! 

Thursday did not go as I had planned. We were supposed to have our farm group, but it was rainy, so we were going to meet at a nature center. I was going to stop at BJ's before our group and I went out to the van and opened the door and discovered that there was no car seat in there. When Steve had gone to pick up Caleb, he had taken the car seat that my mom had and stuck it in his trunk because he had the second car seat in his car. He should have then put the one from the trunk in my van, but he forgot. So...we were stuck at home all day instead of going out and about. I ended up getting a lot of cleaning done at home, so it wasn't all bad, but I don't like being cooped up all day. When Steve got home from work, I did run out real quick to BJ's while Steve stayed home with Caleb. 

Today I worked again and my mom had Caleb in the morning and the girls watched Caleb this afternoon. He slept almost 3 hours, so they had an easy job today! 

Here are several more pictures from the last two weeks. 

Reading with Grammy

Caleb has recently discovered that he can sit on the curve of his changing table

Wearing Mommy's shoes

Caleb loves to play the piano and he usually sings "Happy Happy Home" while he plays

One Sabbath afternoon I had to wake Caleb up so we could go somewhere and this is how I found him. Even after turning on the light and taking a couple of flash pictures he didn't budge from this position. 

Sweeping at Grammy's house

Showing me his acorns

This ride-on toy that Steve got Caleb for free, Caleb calls his "motorcycle"

Caleb loves to jump on his trampoline, but he doesn't usually last very long

Steve has decided to start a sand collection for Caleb of all the beaches we go to, so they are filling little tubes with the sand they have collected

Before I close, I just want to write a little something about Caleb's talking. I don't think I have written very much about it. In the last couple of months, Caleb's vocabulary has really taken off. He knows so many words, more than I would have ever imagined he would know at this point in his life. And whatever he doesn't know, he will repeat when I say it and then he usually will remember it next time. He is learning his colors right now too. He knows red, orange, green, purple, blue, white, and sometimes yellow. He knows shapes such as circle, triangle, square, heart, and star. In fact, when we go up the basement stairs, we have some corner steps that are shaped like triangles and he noticed that and pointed it out to me, which I was completely amazed at. I don't want to brag about my kid, but every day he does things that amaze me and I that I feel are advanced for his age. But what do I know? This is only my first kid so I don't have anything to compare it to! Anyway, he is just a lot of fun and I love to hear him talk. And now that we can actually carry on a conversation, it is a lot of fun. 

Oh and I just remembered something else I wanted to mention. Caleb will pray on his own now. He repeats us when we pray but lately he has been adding things on his own. We usually say "Dear Jesus, thank you for this food, thank you for this day, amen." He has started to add "Thank you for Kylie and Cody" in every prayer. A couple times I have added "I love you, Jesus" to his prayer and now if I forget to say that, he will remind me. And yesterday, I just said "I love you" and when he repeated me, he said "I love you, Jesus". It was so cute and it just melted my heart. He also says "Thank you Mommy" for practically everything I do for him. And he says "Excuse me" whenever he burps or toots. Anyway, I guess that is all for now. Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering what happened to blog for two weeks! I can sympathize. I'm glad to caught up with your happenings.

    That is so good that he knows all that stuff! I would say Calleigh was probably around that level (I need to look back) but I know my other two weren't...especially Brady! I always heard boys were slower with that stuff so I'm very impressed! I can't wait to spend a little time with him and hear him talk. This is when it gets so much more exciting to have a kid :)
