Friday, May 23, 2014

A Nephew on the Way, Daddy's Home, & Tough Church Walk

This week was not a very eventful week. I didn't take a lot of pictures and this will be a pretty short entry. Last Sabbath I came home with Caleb for his nap during church and he slept almost 3 hours!! I think he is catching up on his sleep because he hasn't been sleeping too well at my parents' house. After his nap, we went for a walk with the church at Sandy Neck Beach. We have been to the beach a million times, but there is a trail away from the beach that we have never been on. My mistake was in thinking it was a trail, so I brought Caleb's jogging stroller. Well, after about the first 1/4 mile, it turned into sand, which was so hard to push the stroller in. And since Steve wasn't there, I thought I was screwed, but I had a lot of good helpers that took turns pushing the stroller, so that was good. Anyway, it was a beautiful walk and we ended up doing 4 miles, so we were very tired at the end but it was fun and a beautiful day.

My mother took a turn for about 2 minutes and it was so hard that Rosalie had to push her which was quite comical! 

On Sunday, it was obviously not very easy to work since Steve wasn't there, so I mostly worked during Caleb's nap and after he went to bed. We did some grocery shopping and we went to the school's Bible fair where the kids were dressed up as Bible characters. It was cute.

On Monday I worked because we are going away to Quebec City for the weekend so I can't work on Friday. Caleb and Grammy had a good but busy day.

Shopping for Grammy's CHIP program

On Tuesday Caleb was awake at about 5:00 and didn't go back to sleep. This didn't work well with our schedule because we have a play group that doesn't get over until 12:00 and Caleb is usually napping before then. So we skipped the play group so he could take an earlier nap. I think Tuesday morning we also went to Toys R Us for a couple of items. Tuesday afternoon I think we took a walk and played outside a little bit. 

Hard to see, but this is a hawk that just landed right outside my living room window while I was sitting on the couch working. 

On Tuesday evening, Daddy finally came home and we were all very excited! He made it home just in time before Caleb went to bed, so that was good.

Wednesday I worked again. Somehow I had dropped Caleb's socks when I was putting his clothes in the bag I send to Grammy's house, so he didn't have any socks all day. Luckily it wasn't a cold day! He did take a terrible nap however, so I wonder if it was because he didn't have socks...

We did take a walk when we got home on Wednesday afternoon because it was a really nice day and the dogs hadn't walked much lately. I did get Rad to come help me walk the dogs on Monday because I can't really walk them and push Caleb in the stroller at the same time.

I have started putting a snack in Caleb's cupholder when we go walking and now he expects it. 

On Wednesday morning we got some very exciting news! Rad and Jen had their ultrasound to find out whether they are having a boy or a girl. I think everyone thought they were going to have a girl, but they are going to have a boy!! That will be fun for Caleb to have a cousin to play with even though they will be almost 2 years apart. We will be passing all of Caleb's clothes down to them so that will be very helpful for them. I am so excited to be having a nephew in a few months!! 

Late Wednesday night our friends Tiffany and Anthony had their baby, Uzziah. I wanted to make sure we got to see the baby before we left for the weekend, so Caleb and I took a quick trip up to Falmouth Hospital yesterday morning to see the baby. We skipped our play group so we could go see them, but it was worth it! He is very cute and Tiffany was doing very well for just having a C-section 12 hours earlier. 

The rest of the day was spent trying to get ready to go away for the weekend and of course, working while Caleb was napping.

Well, that's about it. Next week's entry will be much more interesting because I will have pictures from our trip to Quebec. Have a great long weekend everybody!

Playing with his fireman's hat

He has been obsessed with these stacking cups lately

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, stroller + sand doesn't exactly work! You are lucky you had some helpers! I am going to be a "single" mother quite a bit this summer, since Heath has to give a training program in Europe & China (2 weeks at a time)!!!! I am dreading it. I bet it was great to have Steve back! Hope you guys have a great weekend and sad we missed it!
