Grammy trying to take his temperature but it didn't work too well
Caleb makes this face all the time when he is doing something intensely. I think he was trying to open the container.
When we got home and Dede and the girls were there with Caleb, Steve noticed that Dede had a tire that was very low, so he put air in it for her. Caleb was fascinated with what he was doing (naturally) and was right in there with Steve, which was adorable.
Caleb had been playing with the dogs before we left for church so Steve had to brush him off with the lint brush
We stayed for the first half of church and then I brought Caleb home for his nap. It was a beautiful day, so I sat outside in my lounge chair for a little while while he napped. It was potluck at church, but we didn't go because of Caleb's nap. Steve did stay, though, and brought me home a little bit of food.
After Caleb woke up, we played outside for a little bit before headed off to another beautiful church walk.
The walk was in Orleans which is about 35-40 minutes away. It was someplace that we had never been before and it was very nice. We had a huge group this week because it was such a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun. Since the car ride was so long, I just fed Caleb supper in the car on the way home and then got him ready for bed when we got back. That worked out really well and we were able to stay on our schedule.
On Sunday, Caleb woke up at 5:00, which he hasn't done in months. I think that was the beginning of him not feeling good, so it makes sense in hindsight. I worked all morning and really until Caleb got up from his nap around 2:00. It is always great to get a good chunk of time accumulated on Sunday so I don't have to worry as much the rest of the week. I don't really remember what else happened on Sunday. I guess we went grocery shopping and then I made a pot of soup for supper the following night. We took a walk with the dogs in the evening right before getting Caleb ready for bed.
The last thing he ate before throwing up
Monday I worked because my mom was going to be at a class on Thursday and Friday and so she couldn't babysit Caleb on Friday. Caleb was acting pretty good with my mom, but didn't have too much of an appetite. I was worried that he would throw up again, but he did fine. I think they laid low in the morning, but in the afternoon, my mom took Caleb to the playground and for a walk on Craigville Beach, which he seemed to enjoy.
Tuesday morning was the next time Caleb threw up. He ate a few bites of french toast and then gagged and threw up. So I gave him some applesauce and oatmeal but made it very thin so he wouldn't gag, but he still did and threw up again. This pretty much happened every time I fed him on Tuesday, except when he had Teddy grahams and Goldfish. And when he had his milk and his nursing. So, at least he was getting some calories even if it wasn't much. So we laid pretty low on Tuesday. We did go out for a walk around the neighborhood and spent some time outside, but I don't think we went anywhere in the car all day.
On Wednesday I worked again as usual. I think Caleb had a slight fever in the morning but I gave him Motrin before going to work and it lasts 8 hours. By the end of the day, he was very warm, though, and had deteriorated. He was very clingy and tired when I got home, and we made it a very early bedtime. I think he was in bed at 6:30 instead of 7:00.
Grampy was taking care of him first thing on Wednesday because Grammy needed to get some work done
My mom texted me before Caleb's nap to see if I had brought his pacifier, which I always do. I told her that I know I had it in the morning, but she had looked everywhere and couldn't find it. She finally found an old pacifier that I had given her a long time ago as an extra. When I put my coat on to go for a walk at lunch, I found the pacifier in my pocket. Thank goodness she had a backup. I will make sure she has more than one from now on!
Thursday morning Caleb still had a fever, so we couldn't go to our play group. I don't think I would have gone anyway because of his cough and runny nose. So, we spent the morning hanging around the house. I finished making the clothing size switch, so it was good to get that out of the way. We also went for a 2 mile walk around the neighborhood and spent some time out in the backyard.
He has really been enjoying his blocks the past couple of days
He wanted to carry that bucket around and it was practically as big as him, so it was pretty funny
We were going to meet Steve at Home Depot after work to look at carpet for the playroom, so we went to Kohls and Trader Joe's before meeting Steve. We picked out some carpet that we like and then Caleb and I came home to get Caleb to bed while Steve stayed at Home Depot a little while longer.
Trying on hats at Kohls - we didn't get them, it was just for fun
Today was not a very great weather day. Caleb was definitely feeling some better but still didn't want to eat too much. He wasn't coughing as much, but his nose is still very runny. We went out shopping at BJ's and Toys R Us this morning. I had some coupons at BJ's that were expiring in a couple of days so I wanted to make sure I used them. I also had a coupon for $10 off diapers at Babies R Us, and I am a sucker for that deal, because that is the best one I can find. This afternoon I reorganized Caleb's books in his bookshelves and put some of his baby toys in the attic. Of course as I was putting them away, he was wanting to play with them! Tonight we had Jen over for supper. Rad was at the same class my parents were at so he wasn't home yet. We had a nice visit.
One thing I forgot to mention about this week is that Caleb is blowing kisses now. I had been trying to get him to do it and he would put his hand up to his mouth but then wouldn't do anything after that. Now he is doing it properly and making the smacking sound, which is so cute. He is doing it to people at the grocery store, etc.
Well, I think I am headed to bed early. And tomorrow morning for the first time in 18 months, I am going to sleep in and Steve is going to get up and feed Caleb, now that he is no longer nursing in the mornings! I am sure that it will be hard to go back to sleep after waking up when Caleb does, but at least I can rest and relax in bed! Happy Sabbath!
Sorry that Caleb has been sick again! I feel like my kids are sick every other week!!!! It is awful!